Translated Description:
“Transient but Joyous Happiness 韶光易逝 (sháo guāng yì shì)”

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Who is she:
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely hate seeing the original Da Qiao character. No no no, it’s not because her ability wasn’t good, but quite the contrary. Da Qiao had fantastic ability! Her ability to put everyone else to sleep with ACEDIA 乐不思蜀 was incredibly useful, and frustrating when she’s not on your side. THAT is why I hate her, because I seldom ever choose her and she’s seldom helping my side!

In this revamped SP version, the character seems less overpowered than the preceding characters. Her new abilities also mirror some of her old abilities, so it’s not a complete overhaul either. It does appear that this SP Da Qiao is rather interesting from the face of it.

Character ability 1: “Gentle Smile 言笑 (yán xiào)”
During the action phase, you can place a card with suit of Diamonds in the judgement area of any player. Players with “Gentle Smile” in their judgement area gets to keep all the judgement cards during that player’s judgement phase.

Character ability 2: “Quiet Elegance 安娴 (ān xián)”
Whenever you cause damage when you use an ATTACK 杀, you can prevent that damage and force the victim to discard 1 on-hand card, after which you draw 1 card from the deck.

Whenever you become the target of an ATTACK, you can discard 1 on-hand card to render the ATTACK useless, after which your attacker draws 1 card from the deck.

Ability relation to story:
You guessed it, none.

Look, we know Da Qiao is beautiful, elegant, and probably has a smile that could have melt the iceberg that sank the Titanic. How that translates into letting others keep judgement cards is a stretch… a long stretch. But hey, the abilities do seem balanced and is not aggro, so i’m pretty happy to ignore the fact that the ability isn’t linked much to the story.

How to obtain this character:
Click here to purchase this character from!