Archives for category: SP characters

Translated Description:
“The Lion of the West 西凉的猛狮”

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Who is he?
Cao Cao 曹操 once said: “If Ma Chao does not die, I am going to meet a terrible end.” That gives you an idea of how strong Ma Chao was. He was one of the Five Tigers in Shu Kingdom in fiction, which was pretty close to factual history. Prior to that, Ma Chao was extremely aggressive fighting against his nemesis, the man who slew his entire family: Cao Cao. That explains why he eventually decided to join Liu Bei’s campaign.

Why is he an SP character?
He used to be one of the biggest warlords in west and had a strong reputation even before he met Liu Bei. Thus for completing the whole world of Three Kingdoms in SGS, YOKA released this “younger” version of Ma Chao.

Character ability1: “Horsemanship 马术 (mǎ shù)” [Enforced ability] 
Ma Chao will always be -1 distance in any range calculations. This means that when he equips a “-1 horse”, he will have a physical distance advantage totaling -2.

Character ability2: “Iron Calvary 铁骑(tiě jì)”
Whenever Ma Chao uses ATTACK 杀 on any target player, he can choose to flip over one judgement card from the deck. If the judgement card is of a red-suit (hearts and diamonds), the ATTACK cannot be evaded with DODGE闪.

Additional info based on changes:
Nothing changed but his drawing, just like most other SP characters. Too bad about the Magneto-looking helmet though.

Wiki Links:
– Ma Chao Wiki

How to obtain this character?
He isn’t available on SGS online so far! For obtaining a card, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #11 (November 2011).

Translated description:
“The Vanguard on a White Horse 白马先锋 (bái mǎ xiān fēng)”

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Who is he:
For goodness sake, this is Zhao Yun! I’m pretty sure you do not need me to describe who he is. But just in case you do, here’s a one-sentence summary.

Zhao Yun is one of Liu Bei 刘备’s most accomplished generals, but while he was younger he was part of Gongsun Zan 公孙瓒’s army, thus the Neutral Heroes allegiance here.

Why is he an SP character:
I’m going to be politically incorrect here. I do NOT think that Zhao Yun needs an SP version. The official reports state that the SP versions are an upgrade so that the original characters will not fall behind.


The original Zhao Yun is still strong as heck, and has one of the best abilities ever created in this game: creative, adequate, simple. So why do they need to make Zhao Yun unbalanced? Well, I guess everyone will have their opinion. Who knows? I might just like this character after I lay my hands on it.

Or maybe not.

Character ability 1: “Dragon Heart 龙胆 (lóng dǎn)”
All ATTACK 杀 and DODGE 闪 cards can be used interchangeably.

Character ability 2: “Formation Piercer 冲阵 (chōng zhèn)”
Whenever you use or play an on-hand card to activate “Dragon Heart”, you can immediately take an on-hand card from the opponent.

Note: “Opponent” here refers to either the player who caused you to activate “Dragon Heart” (the player that uses “Raining Arrows 万箭齐发”), or the person on the receiving end of “Dragon Heart” (you use DODGE as an ATTACK on that player).

Additional info based on changes (by Reijishiki):
This is the young Zhao Yun serving Gongsun Zan, the Whitehorse General. According to Zhuo You Zhi magazine, his 3 units health reflects his immaturity while his new ability reflects his contributions in The Battle of Jie Bridge 界桥之战. In that battle, Yuan Shao 袁绍 rained arrows on Gongsun Zan and almost decimated his entire army. When Gongsun Zan’s was on the brink of collapse, the young Zhao Yun charged into Yuan Shao’s vast army and single-handedly killed Yuan Shao’s general with one strike, with time left to spare to save Gongsun Zan’s rear-end.

Zhao Yun became the 3rd character with more than two character cards in SGS. The first was Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 and the second one was Lu Bu 吕布. Note that the card of young Zhao Yun is two-sided and slightly smaller than the usual character cards. This card is not meant to be shuffled into the character’s deck, but rather to be substituted for the original Zhao Yun card if the player chooses to use him.

Wiki Links:
Zhao Yun Wiki

How to obtain this character?
Purchase the 13th issue of Zhuo You Zhi magazine to get this limited character card as a free gift!

Contributing Writers:
– Reijishiki
– Ricky Chua

Translated Description:
“Never a strategy miscalculated 算无遗策(suàn wú yí cè)”

Who is he?
I remember it clearly when the celebrity Chinese scholar Yi Zhong Tian 易中天 (famed for his televised lectures of ROTK) said: “Jia Xu was probably the smartest character during the whole Three Kingdom era.” As an advisor, Jia Xu’s work experience seems to be a little complicated. He previously served Dong Zhuo 董卓, Li Jué 李傕 and Zhang Xiu 张秀 before finally joining Cao Cao 曹操. Then he served as an official in Wei Kingdom under Cao Cao’s son, Cao Pi 曹丕. Despite his flip-flopping loyalties, Jia Xu was an exceptional advisor. Not only did he know what his ruler was thinking, he also knew what his enemy was thinking. He always considered every detail and possibility, then predicted what would happen next with uncanny accuracy. According to historical records, he never made a single strategic mistake in his entire life. In the last few years of Cao Cao’s rule when the irate ruler became extremely paranoid, many great advisors were slaughtered, but not Jia Xu. In my personal opinion, this man really is a legendary figure. If you want to know more details about him, just check out Ricky’s write-up about him and find out!

Why is he an SP character?
Just as the other SP characters, he changed his allegiances in history. SGS decided to make an SP version of him to complete the whole story of the Three Kingdoms.

Character ability 1: “Unmitigated Murder 完杀 (wán shā)” [Enforced ability] 
During Jia Xu’s turn, with the exception of himself, only characters who are on the brink of death (health equals zero or less) can use PEACH 桃.

Character ability 2: “Descend into Chaos 乱武 (luàn wǔ)” [Single-Use Ability] 
During his action phase, Jia Xu can force every player, other than himself, to use an ATTACK 杀 on another player at the least distance away. If a player is unable to do so (no ATTACK cards to use or attack range cannot reach any player), the player will lose 1 unit of health. Recipients of the ATTACK need to use DODGE 闪 to evade. This ability will proceed in succession starting from the player after Jia Xu.

Character ability 3: “Behind the Curtain 帷幕 (wéi mù)” [Enforced ability] 
Jia Xu cannot become the target of tool cards with the suit of “clubs” or “spades”.

Additional info based on changes:
Nothing really changed except his allegiance and drawing. Well, this drawing does look better than the previous one, which is way too scary. However, lots of people think that his abilities should be changed after the change of his allegiance. His abilities do not support any of the Wei Rulers. Furthermore, Jia Xu never employed his “descend into chaos” ability again after joining Wei.

Wiki Links:
Jia Xu Wiki

How to obtain this character?
He is not available on SGS online yet. For obtaining a card, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #12 (December 2011).

Contributing Writer:
– Cherry Cat


Unlike some of the other weapons in SGS, the Silver Moon Lance didn’t really exist in history. It’s an imaginary spear that was designed by Kayak, one of the founders of the game. According to Kayak, the aim of this weapon was to introduce Zhao Yun 赵云’s weapon into SGS, yet the name was completely made-up because the real name of Zhao Yun’s weapon could not be found in any records. According to the historical descriptions, we only know that it was a lance, not exactly helpful for generating a “magical” killing tool.

This card first appeared in 2008 when SGS was created, but early players quickly found its ability over-powered, especially when equipped by certain characters. In 2009, YOKA “fixed” the bug by inexplicably making it even more destructive than the Zhu Ge Crossbow 诸葛连弩. It was also a lot more confusing to calculate damage. The writings were clearly on the wall for this card and YOKA removed this weapon altogether from the current deck we know today. As if in repentance for all that power in this weapon, the card is replaced with a NEGATE 无懈可击 card, a form of atonement perhaps for all the units of health that were lost while the Silver Moon Lance roamed.

Special ability:
Whenever you play a black-suited card outside of your turn, you can immediately ask a player within your attacking arrange to play a DODGE 闪 card or else that player will lose one unit of health.

Characters that match this weapon best:
All the characters that have abilities related to black-suit cards. For example, Zhao Yun and Demi-god Zhao Yun (who can use a black-suit ATTACK as a DODGE), Zhen Ji 甄姬 (who can use any black-suit card as a DODGE), Younger Zhuge Liang 卧龙诸葛亮 (who can use any black-suit card as a NEGATE), Sima Yi 司马懿 and Zhang Jiao 张角 (who can replace or exchange cards with their black-suit cards).

Why is it an SP card?
This is probably the first card that became a collectible because it is part of SGS Legend. It is also the only weapon in SGS whose ability can be activated outside of a player’s round. That means it’s not only a weapon but also acts like an armour. It can be incredibly powerful when paired with characters mentioned above. So in order to prevent a game from being over too quickly, the card was removed from SGS. It is for this exact reason that this card has become valued as a collector’s item!

How to obtain this weapon?
It is not available on SGS online (and won’t be available in the future either). For obtaining this card (2011 version), you can purchase ZYZ magazine issue #10 (October 2011). If you want to obtain the first-edition card (2008 version), you have to look for it via websites like e-bay and it would be pretty expensive, good luck!

Contributing Writer:
– Cherry Cat

Who is he?
I guess you are already very familiar with him. Lǚ Bù 吕布, the strongest fighter during the whole Three Kingdoms era. There have already been two versions of him in SGS (Neutral Heroes and Demi-God), but they have really outdone themselves this time. These two SP versions are both Demi-Gods, and pretty much insane!

Why is he an SP character? 
Because it’s created for the SP mode: HuLao-Pass. HuLao-Pass Mode is designed according to the story of a famous battle in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. With regards to the HuLao-Pass mode, the game designers said: “Nowadays there are more and more expansions of SGS. People gradually concentrate more and more on the various and complicated abilities of new characters, and forget about the cultural background, the comprehension of the characters’ personalities, and enjoying the balance of the game. The design of HuLao-Pass Mode and this Demi-God version of Lu Bu are supposed to help players get back to the Three Kingdoms’ world and enjoy the simulated battle.”

Translated Description:
“The Myth of the Formidable 最强神话 (zuì qiáng shén huà)”

Character ability 1: “Horsemanship 马术 (mǎ shù)” [Enforced ability] 
You will always be at -1 distance in any range calculations.

(Note: Same ability as Ma Chao 马超)

Character ability 2: “Without Equal 无双(wú shuāng)” [Enforced ability] 
Whenever you use ATTACK杀, your target has to use 2 DODGE 闪 cards to successfully evade the attack. During a DUEL 决斗, your opponent needs to use 2 ATTACK cards for every one ATTACK card that you use.

(Note: Same ability as the original Lu Bu 吕布.)

When your health decreases to 4 units, your character card has to be changed immediately into this next character card.

Translated Description:
“The Furious God of Battle 暴怒的战神(bào nù de zhàn shén)”

Character ability 1: “Horsemanship 马术 (mǎ shù)” [Enforced ability] 
You will always be at -1 distance in any range calculation.

Character ability 2: “Without Equal 无双(wú shuāng)” [Enforced ability] 
Whenever you use ATTACK杀, your target has to use 2 DODGE 闪cards to successfully evade the attack. During a DUEL 决斗, your opponent needs to use 2 ATTACK cards for every one ATTACK card that you use.

Character ability 3: “Asura 修罗(xiū luó)” 
At the beginning of your turn, you can discard one on-hand card in order to discard one Time- Delay Tool Card that is in your Judgement Area. The card you discard must be of the same suit as the Time-Delay Tool Card.

Character ability 4: “Divine Aura 神威 (shén wēi)” [Enforced ability] 
During your drawing phase, you can draw an additional 2 cards. Your on-hand card limit is increased +2.

Character ability 5: “Divine Halberd 神戟 (shén jǐ)” 
When you have no weapon equipped, your ATTACK card can target up to 3 different players.

There are no LIGHTNING 闪电 cards and no expansions SO FAR in HuLao-Pass Mode on SGS online. Since this character is designed for HuLao-Pass Mode, the Time- Delay Tool Cards would only refer to ACEDIA 乐不思蜀.

Ability’s relation to story: 
Most of Demi-God Lu Bu’s abilities are extremely aggressive. They just represent his courage, bravery, and exceptional fighting prowess. Also, this Demi-God version of Lu Bu is designed for a battle with three other characters. That’s why he also has some efficient defensive abilities; for example, “Asura” can prevent him from being affected by ACEDIA, “Divinity” can let him have more cards to better defend himself during the game.

Additional info based on story: 
Since these character cards are designed for HuLao-Pass Mode, you really need to know what happened at HuLao-Pass then. Ricky has made an excellent write-up for this story, just check it out on Lu Bu’s page.

Links and resources: 
– Lu Bu Wiki
– Battle of HuLao Pass Wiki
Asura Wiki

How to obtain this character? 
Those two cards are available in HuLao-Pass Mode on SGS online now! (Of course VIP only, and there is no way to see them in other modes) For obtaining the cards, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #8 (August 2011).

Contributing Writer:
Cherry Cat

Translated Description:
“Carrying The Coffin 抬榇之悟(tái chèn zhī wù)”

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Who is he?
An admirable man. He is Pang De,a brave fighter and an exceptional general living in the Three Kingdoms era. In his entire life, he changed rulers multiple times, but nobody questioned his loyalty. He proved his devotion with his own life: he fought against enemies valiantly, and he even carried his coffin into battle to show his courage (See Ricky’s write-up about him, the “Most famous achievement” part). Unlike Lu Bu 吕布, who also changed ruler quite often (because the idiot killed his own ruler before jumping ship), Pang De gains all the
valiant titles from the historians, which I guess proves his heroic personality. Lu Bu, on the other hand, gets titles such as “Brave but without cunning, violent but without benevolence”, titles worthy only for a short-sighted boar.

Why is he an SP character?
Because the previous drawing of him is too ugly!!! But no, ZYZ magazine simply chose to release several SP characters with different allegiance and portraits. Pang De is just another one of them. All the new designs are supposed to help complete the whole Three Kingdoms’ story. The original version of him is considered as a neutral hero, whereas this SP version represents his last days as a general of Wei Kingdom. Anyway, personally, I am really happy to see this “carrying coffin” version of Pang De, which makes him 30% cooler!

Character ability1: “Horsemanship 马术 (mǎ shù)”
You will always have a -1 distance advantage (default “-1 horse” equipped)

Character ability2: “Fearsome Advance 猛进 (měng jìn)”
Whenever your ATTACK 杀is evaded by DODGE 闪, you can forcefully discard one of the opponents cards (on-hand or equipped). Note that you select the card for discarding and not the opponent.

Additional info based on changes:
Nothing special to say about this part. Both of his abilities are aggressive ones. Change of his allegiance really does not affect him too much. On the whole, his abilities are not cooperative with any Ruler Abilities and he could die early in the game from lack of defensives.

Wiki Links:
– Pang De Wiki

How to obtain this character?
He is not available on SGS online yet. For obtaining a card, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #7 (July 2011).

Contributing Writer:
– Cherry Cat

Translated Description
“Marquis of HanShou 汉寿亭侯(hàn shòu tíng hóu)”

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Who is he?
Even if you cannot identify him through his new appearance, you should have noticed the Red Hare 赤兔 and the Green Dragon Crescent Blade 青龙偃月刀. Bingo! He’s our loyal “second brother”, the warrior saint in legend, the bearded gentleman in history, Guan Yu.

Wait a minute… The frame of this card is blue? Is this like 徐庶Xu Shu, who has a blue frame but still belongs to 蜀 Shu? Oh my god he doesn’t even belong to Shu Kingdom any more? Why was his allegiance changed to 魏 Wei? Designer’s mistake? Printers ran out of blue ink? Don’t panic, Guan Yu never betrayed his only ruler and “Elder brother” 刘备Liu Bei. Want to know what’s going on here? Keep reading and find out!

Why is he an SP character?
Just like the SP Sun Shang Xiang 孙尚香, SP Guan Yu was created for the completion of the whole Three Kingdoms’ story. This SP version is designed to represent Guan Yu’s life experience under Cao Cao 曹操’s military. In return for being treated respectfully after being captured by Cao Cao, Guan Yu fought for Cao Cao against Yuan Shao 袁绍 for a short while, and was very successful! So successful in fact that Cao Cao really wanted Guan Yu change his allegiance. Guan Yu, of course, refused because of his loyalty to Liu Bei. It was actually Cao Cao who gave him the title of Marquis of Han Shou whilst under his service. After some time Guan Yu left Cao Cao with nothing but his Red Hare and Green Dragon Crescent Blade, riding through thousands of miles to finally rejoin his brothers. This special experience also explains why he let Cao Cao escape after the huge loss at Battle of Red Cliffs 赤壁之战. For more info, just check Ricky’s write up of Guan Yu (蜀Shu) under the “Most famous achievement” section.

Character ability1: “Warrior Saint 武圣 (wǔ shèng)”
Every card with a “heart” or “diamonds” suit (effectively all red-suit cards) can be used as an ATTACK 杀card.

Character ability2: “Single Calvary 单骑(dān qí)” [Awakening ability] 
At the beginning of your turn, if your number of on-hand cards is larger than your current health units, AND the RULER for the game is Cao Cao, you must reduce your maximum health by 1 unit. You then permanently acquire the ability “Horsemanship 马术”

(Recall: Horsemanship 马术 = You will always have -1 distance in range calculations).

Additional info based on changes:
I guess it would really take some time for the players to get used to his new allegiance, because he cannot use ATTACK 杀 for Liu Bei any more! However, he can now react to both “Royal Escort” of Cao Cao and “Exalt the Powerful” of Cao Pi 曹丕.

Wiki Link:
– Guan Yu Wiki

How to obtain this character?
He is not available on SGS online yet. For obtaining a card, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #8 (August 2011).

Contributing Writer:
– Cherry Cat

Translated Description
“Exceptional Marriage 梦醉良缘(mèng zuì liáng yuán)”

Click here for Q&A Section!

Who is she?
A beautiful young bride wearing a traditional red wedding dress, sitting in the bridal chamber smiling mysteriously at you. Through the red chiffons, you seem to be able to smell the faint aroma around the new wedding bed, is she waiting for someone? Oh, I forgot I am not writing an erotic novel! So this girl is the SP version of Sūn Shàng Xiāng 孙尚香, Sun Quan 孙权’s younger sister and  Liu Bei刘备’s second wife. You are probably very familiar with her and her abilities in SGS. But why did they totally change her appearance? Keep reading and find it out!

Why is she an SP character?
According to the designers of the SP characters, the female characters are always extremely popular and welcome among SGS players. That’s why they made a new version of Lady Sun. They didn’t just change her appearance, but also changed her allegiance from Wu to Shu. These two changes perfectly match both the story and the traditional custom in ancient China: From the moment she married Liu Bei, she no longer belonged to the kingdom of her birth. Makes you wonder then, if the normal Sun Shang Xiang is considered “single”… with cleavage showing and all it’s no surprise!

Character ability1: “Marriage 结姻 (jié yīn)”
During the action phase, Sun Shang Xiang can choose to discard 2 on-hand cards and pick any male character that is not at full-health. By doing so, both the male character and herself will recover 1 unit of health each. Limited to only 1 use per turn.

Character ability2: “Warrior Lady 枭姬 (xiāo jī)”
Whenever any equipped card is removed from her equipped items area, Sun Shang Xiang can immediately draw 2 cards from the deck. Note that 2 cards can be drawn for each equipped card that is removed. This applies also to changing the equipped item (ie: replacing one weapon with another weapon).

Additional info based on changes:
There is no doubt that this version of Sun Shang Xiang is stronger than the previous one because the cooperation between her and Liu Bei is more useful and efficient than the one between her and Sun Quan. That’s why she always gets the most attacks in the game (there is a saying in Chinese 红颜薄命 which means “A beautiful girl often leads an unfortunate life). Anyway, the guys should feel really lucky that no matter how her appearance changes, she still keeps her G-Cup. Woo hoo!

Note: according to the game designer, Sun Shang Xiang and SP Sun Shang Xiang won’t appear in the same game on SGS online. But for the off-line game there is no such limitation. And when SP Sun Shang Xiang uses PEACH 桃 to save her brother Sun Quan, he can no longer get an extra unit of health back.

How to obtain this character?
She is available on SGS online now! (Of course VIP only, or you can just buy it in SGS online market) For obtaining a card, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #6 (June 2011).

Wiki Link:
– Sun Shang Xiang Wiki

Contributing Writer:
– Cherry Cat

Translated Description
“The Emperor of Zhong Dynasty 仲家帝 (zhòng jiā dì)”

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Who is he?
An overweening ambitious younger brother. A terrible general. An opportunist. An immature politician. Alas, a daydreamer without a happy ending. Born from a noble, rich, powerful and ancient family as the only son of the first wife, Yuán Shù seemed to have nothing to worry about in his life. But even with such little talent, he was arrogant enough. He considered himself as the only right person to conquer the world, that’s why he couldn’t even get along well with his half-brother, Yuan Shao 袁紹. He was always searching for the right opportunity, and he finally found it when Dong Zhuo 董卓 was defeated by Sun Jian 孫坚. The imperial seal (the symbol of the legitimate ruler in China) was in the Sun family’s hand, but Sun Jian was quickly killed and Yuan Shu put Lady Sun under house arrest to force the seal out of  Sun Ce 孫策’s hands. After getting the seal, he declared himself emperor under his short-lived Zhong Dynasty in 197, which instantly made him everyone’s enemy.

Why is he an SP character?
Cherry: I honestly don’t know! Because his family name is Yuan? one of the biggest noble families in ancient China? Because he’s Yuan Shao’s younger brother? Because he had such a terrible reputation at that time? Because he is one of the only two characters during the Three Kingdoms period that had absolutely no good titles according to all the Chinese historians? (The other would be Dong Zhuo of course) Or, just because his character abilities are super difficult to translate and to explain in English? But there is at least one thing for sure, that no matter in real history or in the SGS game, he is just an annoying and troublesome guy. Wondering why? Just play and find out yourself!

Ricky: I guess one possible reason is because there are only so few “unlikeable” characters in the story. Like Cherry mentioned, there is the ancient Chinese equivalent of Jabba the Hutt, Dong Zhuo. The only other would be the useless and selfish Yuan Shu. No better way to shame him for all eternity by giving him horrid playability in a card game.

Character ability 1: “Mediocrity 庸肆 (yōng sì)” [Enforced ability]
During your drawing phase, you draw an extra X cards, X being the total number of allegiances still in play. During your discard phase, you must discard at least as many cards as there are allegiances still in play. If you have less cards than there are allegiances, you must discard all of them.

Note: Allegiance here refers to Shu, Wei, Wu, or Heroes.

Character ability 2: “The Pseudo-Emperor 偽帝 (wěi dì)” [Enforced ability]
You possess the ruler ability of the current ruler.

Ability Tips:
1. X, in Yuan Shu’s case, does NOT mean the total amount of players, but number of Allegiance. For example, before your drawing phase starts there are Shu, Wei, Wu and Heroes characters alive, you draw 6 cards (X = 4, so additional 4 cards on top of your normal 2 cards).

2. During your discard phase, if there’s only a Shu, Wei and Heroes left in the game (3 allegiances), you must discard at least 3 cards, BUT you must also discard any number of cards in order to keep your hand equal to or less than your current health units. You can choose to discard your equipped cards.

3. Example: During your discard phase there are 3 allegiances in play, you have 2 equipped cards and 5 on-hand cards, and you have 3 units of health. You can choose to discard your 2 equipped and 1 of your on-hand cards (to match the ability constraint of 3 cards discarded), but you’ll still need to throw away one more card because your total on-hand cards is higher than your current health. Or, you can keep your equipped cards and throw away 3 on-hand cards, reducing your number of on-hand cards to below your current health and complying with the constraint of your ability. Any mix of discarded equipped and on-hand cards is possible, as long as it obeys both the specific ability rule and the game’s general rule.

4. Another example: During your discard phase you have 1 card on-hand and 1 equipped, and there are 3 allegiances left in the game. You need to discard both your cards, which means you would have absolutely NOTHING left.

5. Yuan Shu doesn’t have any RULER ability! (The frame of his card is white, not yellow as the other characters that have ruler abilities.) “The Pseudo-Emperor” is just his ability. If the current ruler has no ruler ability, or you choose Yuan Shu as the ruler, you would have only his first ability. And in any case, you would always be considered as a neutral hero.

6.The ruler ability you have would be exactly the same as the current ruler. For example, the current ruler is Cao Cao 曹操, you can use “Royal Escort 护驾”, which means you can ask any Wei character, including Cao Cao himself, to use DODGE 闪on your behalf when applicable.

Ability’s relation to story
His first ability “Mediocrity” represents perfectly his personality but mixed with an overindulgent lifestyle. He is just an ordinary person with little intelligence, but he’s too greedy, always dreaming about the things he cannot handle. Finally, because of his overindulgence, he lost everything including his own life. Although he declared himself as an emperor, he never got recognized even by his own forces. Ironically, he still hasn’t been recognized 1800 years later! In SGS, although he has the ability “The Pseudo-Emperor”, he is still not one of the ruler characters.

Additional info based on story:
1. Most famous achievement – Being arrogant and stupid? Stealing the imperial seal? Declaring himself emperor when the emperor of Han Dynasty was still alive? Fighting against his brother? Making his people poor and starve all the time? Well, I suppose his biggest achievement is having absolutely no achievement. He was nothing but a son from Yuan family, was that fortunate? Or unfortunate?

2. Cause of death – After declaring himself emperor, he was besieged by all the warlords at that time, especially Cao Cao, Liu Bei 刘备 and Lü Bu 吕布. In 199, he gave the imperial seal to his brother Yuan Shao, and tried to seek refuge. Yuan Shao sent his son Yuan Tan 袁谭 to Yuan Shu’s rescue, but it was too late, Yuan Shu’s forces were destroyed by Liu Bei. Yuan Shu died of grief shortly thereafter.

Wiki Link:
Yuan Shu Wiki

Useful Tips:
1. Always keep in mind that you need to discard more cards than others, so don’t use your cards too indulgently. Otherwise you might find yourself with nothing left after your discard phase.

2. You are the only character in SGS that can discard equipped cards during your discard phase, so make good use of your equipment: choose the proper ones and save the others for your discard phase; if you are injured, don’t forget to throw the equipped Silver Lion Helmet 白銀獅子away to get 1 unit of health back.

How to obtain this character?
Oh he’s one of the most popular characters on SGS online now! (Of course VIP only, or you can just buy it in SGS online market) For obtaining a card, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #5 (May 2011).

Contributing Writer:
– Cherry Cat

Translated Description
“The Whitehorse General 白馬將軍 (bái mǎ jiāng jūn)”

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Who is he?
Among the starry sky composed by the heroic legends during the period of the Three Kingdoms, the Whitehorse General Gongsun Zan was like a bright meteor, illuminating the darkness in the north part of China. However, coming in a hurry like a real meteor, he disappeared from history in a hurry as well. Between his
diligence, good looks, education, and a noteworthy resonant voice, he caught the eye of a royal member of the Han dynasty, who married his daughter to him. He spent the first half of his life crusading against the nomadic tribes in northern China, and each tribe there was afraid of his name. He had a strong preference for white horses: he chose three thousand horsemen as his elite troops and allocated the soldiers with white horses, earning his title of Whitehorse General. But alas how did such a handsome and competent General fall to such dramatic ruin? Read on to find out!

Why is he an SP character?
Unlike characters with SP versions due to a change of allegiance (like Sun Shang Xiang 孙尚香), or minor revisions (like Diao Chan 貂蝉’s portrait), Gongsun Zan is a new addition. As such, his abilities don’t allow the same level of cooperation as other characters (e.g. Liu Bei 刘备, Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 and Huang Yueying 黄月英, etc.). KayaK, one of the founders of SGS, said: “People should not compare the abilities of the SP characters with the normal ones, it’s not comparable. I know that Gongsun Zan’s abilities may be way too weak comparing to other expansions, but that’s why we chose him to be a SP character, it’s a proper way to introduce him to the game.”

Ok KayaK, we get the idea. Now let’s bring on the firepower!

Character ability: “Righteous Cavalry 义从 (yì cóng)” [Enforced ability] 
When your health is more than 2 units, you have -1 distance in any range calculations. When your health is equal or less than 2 units, you have +1 distance in any range calculations.

Ability’s relation to story
The design of Gongsun Zan’s ability reflects perfectly the character’s whole life experience: first half of his life as a brave young general and last half of his life as a cruel conservative dictator. When Gongsun Zan was just deployed to Youzhou (a state in northern China, including a part of Beijing, a part of Tianjin and the south part of Liaoning Province), he led his Whitehorse cavalry to quell rebellions and won honor; in his last years he just locked himself behind the solid walls and stored lots of grain with him – only
women and boys under seven years old were allowed to come into his fortress.

Additional info based on story:
1. Most famous achievement – Gongsun Zan was famous for his preference of white horses and his Whitehorse Cavalry. At first the Cavalry was just his personal guards, then it became the top 1 light cavalry during the Three Kingdoms period. With these excellent mounted troops, he even made the Huns, who have been always famous for their horsemanship, be afraid of meeting him and his Whitehorse cavalry.

2. Cause of death – I would say the real cause of his death was his vanity, cruelty and tyranny. He used to be a hardcore warmonger, and then he lost all his fighting spirit and his mercy. In the end he was surrounded by Yuan Shao 袁绍 in the luxury grave he had made for himself and finally committed suicide. The legend of the Whitehorse Cavalry faded away in history as well.

Wiki Link: 
Gongsun Zan Wiki

Usage Tips:
The ability of Gongsun Zan relies on the range calculation (both attack and defense). So even if you were sitting beside him with a crossbow in your hand, after making his HP drop to 2, you could not keep attacking anymore. But for the characters whose abilities don’t rely on range, like Xiahou Yuan 夏侯渊, Zhou Yu 周瑜 and Diao Chan, that wouldn’t be a problem. And a series of AOE from Cao Cao 曹操 would be a death threat to Gongsun Zan as well. Interestingly, the ability of Yuan Shao, who killed Gongsun Zan in history, can help him kill Gongsun Zan in the game easily too.

How to obtain this character?
He is available on SGS online now! (But VIP only) For obtaining a card, purchase ZYZ magazine issue #4 (April 2011).

Contributing Writers:
– Cherry Cat